
Russia to repeat Baltic airspace shutdown

April 9: Day of the Finnish Language

April 9 in Georgia: Day of National Unity (1989) and restoration of independence in 1991

April 10: International Gákti Day, Sápmi

2010 April 10: Smolensk Catasprophe

Nationalism Is on the Rise in Ukraine, and That’s a Good Thing

Finland: Investments into Startups Hit Record High of €349 Million, Crowdfunding Doubles

Russian aggression marks critical moment for U.S.–Baltic partnership

U.S. Celebrates Relations With Baltic Nations

To counter Russia and back Baltic states, America must fortify NATO

Putin planning to interfere in Belarusian elections to replace Lukashenka, Sivitsky says

Macron: France to stand by Baltic countries on security

Russia’s ruble, Rusal, Sberbank take hits as US sanctions bite

Mikael Agricola, the father of literary Finnish

Elias Lönnrot, author of the Finnish national epic Kalevala

Finland’s first terror trial opens over 2017 stabbings

Eurovision second favourites Estonia could be sunk by financial trouble

ECB asks EU top court to rule on Latvia’s measures against its central bank governor

NBA game dedicated to Latvian centenary held in New York

Why Expelling Russian Diplomats Isn’t Enough

Why is Russia transferring armored vehicles with wiped out board numbers to Ukrainian border?

Scandinavian countries to vote on ‘promoting dialogue’ in Catalonia

Czech Republic takes top spot in Europe in internet sales

Baltic presidents and Macron open major exhibition at Musee d’Orsay

Let’s Launch A Vigorous Information Warfare Operation In The Baltic States — ON RUSSIA’S DOORSTEP

The Dutch royal family to visit Estonia

Estonia may see more new e-residents in 2018 than previous years combined

Poland marks 8th anniversary of president’s death in Russia

“Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming”, Donald Trump

Reddit bans nearly 1,000 accounts linked to Russian ‘troll farm’

Finnish government backs national AI development strategy

Finland confirms coal exit ahead of schedule in 2029

Facebook “in an arms race” with Russia

Australian studio appointed to design Lithuania’s ‘Science Island’

Italian airborne early warning plane conducts flights in Estonian airspace

Austria increases Russian gas imports by 77% since the start of 2018

Skripal? Spooking, No Problem for Austria

In Austria, Police Raids Stemming From Russian Doping Scandal

Georgian Special Services Publicize Russia’s Attempts to Subvert Country From Within

Estonia offers free genetic testing in nationwide experiment

Bioeconomy is a win-win strategy for Finland

How Tom of Finland’s Celebratory, Sexy Visions of Gay Love Have Empowered Others for over 60 Years

More than 40 MEPs from 15 countries demand release of Catalan leaders

Chinese man charged with spying on Tibetan refugees faces four years in Swedish prison

US Senate congratulates Baltic states on 100th anniversary of independence

Finland approves Russian gas pipeline plans

Russia demonizing Latvia over education reform

More than half of all non-Kazakhs in Kazakhstan now speak Kazakh, Astana says

Lithuanian Prime Minister: don’t separate the Kremlin and the Russians; this is a mistake

Iceland: The tourism epidemic

Car rental now makes up a larger share of the Icelandic economy than agriculture

1988 April 13: 30 years since Estonian Popular Front was founded

Narva college director: Russian influence attempts not very successful

U.S., Britain and France Strike Syria Over Suspected Chemical Weapons Attack

Latvian parliament ratifies memorandum about defense, security cooperation with Canada

In pictures: No longer ‘the weak gender’ in Lithuania

Latvia Recognizes Cryptocurrencies in Order to Tax Them

Ukrainian journalist loses defamation suit for criticizing Moreira propaganda film on Ukraine

Russia to repeat Baltic airspace shutdown

Russia plans to fire missiles in Latvia’s exclusive economic zone again

Estonian president: Fighting far from home, we keep peace at home

Russian Investigative Reporter Dies After Fall From Window; Editor Rejects Suicide

Russian Social Media Influence: Understanding Russian Propaganda in Eastern Europe

Lithuanian ex-MP Pukas’ sexual harassment case reaches court

Finland grants final permit for new Russia-Germany gas pipeline, but project remains uncertain

U.S. to hit Russia with new sanctions over Syria chemical weapons attack

U.S. believes Russia is tampering with chemical weapons evidence in Syria

Finance Ministry ups Estonia’s 2018 economic growth forecast to 4 percent

Latvia’s National Alliance pushes plan to restrict Russian propaganda TV channels

3,000 euro Balts’ Award to be given in Fall