
Serious Lentil Intentions @ 100

1918 Fabruary 16: Independence Day in Lithuania – Lithuania is 100

February 21: International Mother Language Day

1918 February 24: Estonia Independence Day – Estonia is 100

1997 February 5: Gulja massacre, East Turkistan/Xinjiang

1917 February 6: Sami National Day

1913 February 13: Tibetan Declaration of Independence

2008 February 17: Kosovo declaration of independence

2014 February 20: Heavenly Hundred Remembrance Day in Ukraine

1944 February 23: Aardakh a.k.a. Operation Lentil: Soviet expulsion of Vainakh (Chechen and Ingush) to Central Asia

1921 February 25: Soviet Russian Invasion in Democratic Republic of Georgia

Deputy Secretary General marks first anniversary of NATO’s enhanced forward presence in Lithuania

NATO Secretary General visits Norway

Russia permanently stationing Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad

With everyone focused on Russia, China is quietly expanding its influence across Europe

Porziņģis wants to be endowed with ‘ņ’ and ‘ģ’ for game dedicated to Latvia’s centenary

Finland Becomes First “All-Alipay” Destination in the World

Latvia Focuses on Improving Societal Resilience and Increasing Size of National Guard

National Sámi Day celebrated across several nations

Sami in Sweden

Wikipedia in Lithuania: A club signs Angolan footballer with fake profile

Finland seeks $730 million in naval weapons from US

Poland’s death camp law is designed to falsify history

Ukrainian parliament condemns another Polish anti-defamation law

Injury will keep Porziņģis off court for months

Helsinki-Tallinn tunnel: cost 16 billion euros, journey time 30 minutes, tickets 18 euros each way

Latvia detains national for suspected spying for Russia

Baltic States Turn 100

Estonia supports Albania’s aspirations to begin EU accession talks

Latvian Saeima takes first step in language reform

Amendments on transition to Latvian as sole language of instruction at schools sent to committees

Latvian Saeima passes “Magnitsky act”

Is Lithuania the most fintech-friendly destination in Europe?

Norwegian Olympic team tries to order 1,500 eggs, ends up with 15,000 instead

Georgia, Estonia sign deal to cooperate in military reform

Electric cars threaten to leave behind East European suppliers

100th Anniversary of the Belarusian People’s Republic

Latvian parliamentarians calling for fair and transparent trial for Tibetan language advocate Tashi Wangchuk

Russian Soft Power in France: Assessing Moscow’s Cultural and Business Para-diplomacy

Every four years, they come from Norway to plunder your gold

Nordic, Baltic countries update cooperation agreement on ensuring financial stability

Illegal employment grows in construction, transport in Latvia

Every third Estonian released from prison suspected of new crime in 1 year

Belarus: Restricting Access To Charter-97 May Signal About Kremlin’s Serious Intentions

Estonian formin: Poland, European Commission have to find solutions through dialogue

Missing Bookseller Hits Out at Sweden in Arranged Interview

Rail Baltica Global Forum 2018 to take place in April

Estonian MEP Paet to visit Rohingya refugee camps in South Asia

Businessman Raivo Susi returned to Estonia in exchange for Russian spy